Things I'm enjoying lately

1. I love a breakfast smoothie, but also I love toasted things. These cranberry orange morning rounds, toasted with delicious Kerrygold butter, are delightful. The muesli ones are also delicious. I don't really like apple cinnamon flavored things, unless it's actual apples and cinnamon, or pie, or applesauce, so I can't speak to those.

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2. Kids & babies in Halloween costumes. I can't get enough. Parents, please keep the photos coming.

3. Thanksgiving planning. At least thinking about Thanksgiving and talking about recipes and exchanging tips. I could do it year-round, honestly. This will be the first year since 2009 that we haven't hosted or been in our own home. Back in DC we hosted every year, except for one, since we bought our house. In 2012, I was a week off sinus surgery and it was one of the busiest times of Zach's career and we just couldn't do it. We stayed home, alone, and ordered dinner from a restaurant and man, it was just awful. It was so sad. I vividly remember lying in bed that Wednesday night and thinking how it was the first night before Thanksgiving that we'd ever not had a bunch of people sleeping under our roof, with a kitchen full of food waiting to be prepped and consumed. I probably cried. Anyway! Last year we made up for it by hosting 15 or 20 people with All The Food. I made five pies! It was glorious. You know what? I'm going to do a whole 'nother post with a bunch of recipes.

4. So: Halloween (check), Thanksgiving (check), CHRISTMAS.

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I unabashedly love seeing Christmas stuff in stores already. I know, it's OCTOBER! JUDGE ME! It makes me happy. Autumn into the holidays is my favorite time of year. It's cozy and happy and encompasses basically all of my favorite things: food, family, nostalgia, coming up with the Perfect Gift, specifically scented candles, traditions, hauling out beloved ornaments and old things (nostalgia, again), etc. I love it. Zach is just happy that I haven't subjected him to Christmas music yet. (If my father is reading this right now, he probably wants to punch his computer. Hi Dad! Jingle bells!)

5. Searching for an Aztec print cardigan/sweatercoat type thing. I know they're a bit trendy right now but I prefer to think I'm just really letting my inner hippie flourish, what with living by the beach in San Diego and all.  

I like this, but the collar is weird and it didn't feel nice in the store. 

Image from I really want to take a brush to this model's hair. 

Image from I really want to take a brush to this model's hair. 

I reeeallly like this and it felt well-made in person, but it's not very Aztec-y.

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This one is pretty and very Caitlin. Though not totally Aztec-y, I still want it. Santa, are you listening?

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6. Sharing my all-time favorite fall recipe: Pumpkin Lasagna. I wrote about it over at FoodLush a few years ago, and my feelings on it have not changed. It's not healthy, and it's never going to photograph well, but it's by far the recipe people ask me for the most. I used to make it every year for a fall potluck, and it was always the first to go. The last time I made it I tripled the batch and it was still gone in about 15 minutes. My friend Kate made it recently, and added arugula. Smart move.

It would be lovely served with a salad on a Friday night, at a potluck, or on your Thanksgiving table, for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. It's so perfect. Oh darling pumpkin lasagna, is there anything you can't do?

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I like new finds. Tell me what you're liking lately?